Alabama abortion organizations pause services amid review of law

( As the Alabama attorney general’s office considers legal implications of an abortion ban in Alabama, two major pro-abortion organizations in Alabama announced Wednesday that they will be halting certain services temporarily.

The West Alabama Women’s Center, one of Alabama’s five abortion clinics, stopped providing abortions on Friday, but announced today that they will be closed until Monday, July 11, when they will reopen to offer reproductive health care services.

The Yellowhammer Fund, a 501(c)3 abortion fund and reproductive justice organization, announced Wednesday that they would “temporarily pause” certain services for the safety of their clients, supporters and staff. They wrote that they would be consulting legal experts on how to continue their work following the decision.

“In light of the fact that nobody seems to have any understanding of how this will be enforced and what is and isn’t allowable, at this point, it’s in the best interest of my staff to simply close until we reopen with absolutely no abortion services and no abortion referrals,” said Robin Marty, the operations director at the West Alabama Women’s Center. “We think we know what the law is, and we believe we understand what the law is, but we no longer have reassurances that they will uphold the law as it is written.”

Alabama’s 2019 Human Life Protection Act means that abortions are only legal when the pregnancy poses a direct threat to the person carrying a child. It’s unclear what constitutes that threat.

It’s now a Class A felony to perform an abortion, unless a process is followed establishing the medical need for an abortion. Some Alabama officials have also suggested that people who help a woman get an abortion could be charged with conspiracy. Attorney General Steve Marshall’s office said Wednesday it is “reviewing” the question.

Marty said she hopes to get clarity on what constitutes a medical emergency and the new legal protocols for managing miscarriages.

“These are all guidances that quite frankly, they’ve had since 2018 to come up with but they haven’t because they don’t care. They just want clinics closed,” Marty said of Marshall’s office.

The Yellowhammer Fund will still mail out emergency contraception and continuing family justice work, including “distributing diapers, baby wipes, period products, safer sex supplies, and other essential items” to the local community, a spokesperson told Wednesday.

The Yellowhammer Fund has previously offered funding assistance for abortion services, travel and lodging, among other needs.

Marty said she wants it to be clear that the West Alabama Women’s Center is not closed for good.

“This is a clear delineation that we are not taking any new patients when it comes to abortion, that we are not referring any new patients when they come speak to us about abortion, that we are following all the rules in the state of setting up for us,” Marty said.

Exciting Week Recap

As you all know, last Friday brought the incredible news that the US Supreme Court officially overturned Roe v. Wade. 
Below we’ve included pertinent information regarding Tuscaloosa, Alabama, & the surrounding states and where things now stand.

It was great to get a report from those on the sidewalk at West Alabama Women’s Center as soon as the decision was announced!
While this prayer team was praying one of our prolife advocates was praying with a father from TN who brought his 24 year old daughter for the first consultation for an abortion.  When that was done a lady pulled over to the shoulder of the road and yelled out through the window that Roe had been overturned.  The Pro Lifers could not believe it.  Five minutes later the abortuary emptied out and they all drove off.  HOW IS THAT FOR AN ENDING!  AFTER THESE DECADES!

Soon thereafter Alabama Attorney General issued a press release announcing that abortion in Alabama was now illegal.

Here is what WAWC operations director, Robin Marty, had to say:

Continue reading “Exciting Week Recap”

Friday, June 24th, from the sidewalk

Last Friday, June 24th, report from the sidewalk: 

While this prayer team was praying, one of our prolife advocates was praying with a father from TN who brought his 24 year old daughter for the first consultation for an abortion.  When that was done a lady pulled over to the shoulder of the road and yelled out through the window that Roe had been overturned.  The Pro Lifers could not believe it.  Five minutes later the abortuary emptied out and they all drove off.  HOW IS THAT FOR AN ENDING!  AFTER THESE DECADES! 

The sad facts about Tuscaloosa and abortion

Did you know that in the heart of Tuscaloosa is one of the busiest abortion sites in the state of Alabama?   

West Alabama Women’s Center has been open since 1993.   According to the Alabama Department of Public Health, on average, over 3,000 babies are killed each year through surgical and medical abortions. It is conservatively estimated that since 1993, over 90,000 babies have been killed at this abortion location. 

Most years, in Tuscaloosa County, more babies are killed by abortion than are born alive.

It’s time to care; get involved.

Attention: We need help from Spanish speaking men & women! 

Often on the sidewalks, we need an interpreter when we encounter Spanish speaker abortion minded women.  We also need help translating local pregnancy help literature into Spanish.   You don’t have to actually be on the sidewalk to help, but only be a phone call away.   

Can you help or do you know someone who can?  Please share this!   If interested, please contact Ellen at  ‪(205) 454-3414‬.

The Best Mother’s Day Gift

Happy Mother’s Day to this special mom! We are so thankful she will get to hold her baby on this Mother’s Day instead of living with regrets.

THIS is why it’s important to be on the sidewalks. Why don’t you join us and make a difference?

A recent message to ProlifeTuscaloosa

They could be best friends…

From the sidewalks outside of Tuscaloosa’s abortion business…

Just as our prayer service ended yesterday, a woman walked out of West Alabama Women’s Center and went to her car.  She got a baby from the front seat and put him in the backseat. I told her that having children close together makes them best friends. She looked up intently at me from across the parking lot.   I offered her a blessing bag and she got into the car and they drove over to me.

I learned that the baby in the backseat was indeed a very beautiful, curly headed, five month old baby boy.  The husband and wife in the car took the blessing bag, information, & fetal model. The mother said “It’s so hard being a mother.” The father said, “I help out…”  She said she wasn’t there for an abortion and I said ,”why were you in there?”  No answer.

This Mother’s Day weekend we ask you to pray for this family and that this 5 month old will one day get to meet his brother or sister.