Exciting Week Recap

As you all know, last Friday brought the incredible news that the US Supreme Court officially overturned Roe v. Wade. 
Below we’ve included pertinent information regarding Tuscaloosa, Alabama, & the surrounding states and where things now stand.

It was great to get a report from those on the sidewalk at West Alabama Women’s Center as soon as the decision was announced!
While this prayer team was praying one of our prolife advocates was praying with a father from TN who brought his 24 year old daughter for the first consultation for an abortion.  When that was done a lady pulled over to the shoulder of the road and yelled out through the window that Roe had been overturned.  The Pro Lifers could not believe it.  Five minutes later the abortuary emptied out and they all drove off.  HOW IS THAT FOR AN ENDING!  AFTER THESE DECADES!

Soon thereafter Alabama Attorney General issued a press release announcing that abortion in Alabama was now illegal.

Here is what WAWC operations director, Robin Marty, had to say:

Continue reading “Exciting Week Recap”

The sad facts about Tuscaloosa and abortion

Did you know that in the heart of Tuscaloosa is one of the busiest abortion sites in the state of Alabama?   

West Alabama Women’s Center has been open since 1993.   According to the Alabama Department of Public Health, on average, over 3,000 babies are killed each year through surgical and medical abortions. It is conservatively estimated that since 1993, over 90,000 babies have been killed at this abortion location. 

Most years, in Tuscaloosa County, more babies are killed by abortion than are born alive.

It’s time to care; get involved.

They could be best friends…

From the sidewalks outside of Tuscaloosa’s abortion business…

Just as our prayer service ended yesterday, a woman walked out of West Alabama Women’s Center and went to her car.  She got a baby from the front seat and put him in the backseat. I told her that having children close together makes them best friends. She looked up intently at me from across the parking lot.   I offered her a blessing bag and she got into the car and they drove over to me.

I learned that the baby in the backseat was indeed a very beautiful, curly headed, five month old baby boy.  The husband and wife in the car took the blessing bag, information, & fetal model. The mother said “It’s so hard being a mother.” The father said, “I help out…”  She said she wasn’t there for an abortion and I said ,”why were you in there?”  No answer.

This Mother’s Day weekend we ask you to pray for this family and that this 5 month old will one day get to meet his brother or sister.  

The True Definition of Love

This is a recent picture of the front of West Alabama Women’s Center, Tuscaloosa’s abortion business. Notice the signs that say, “Bring only Love”.

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “Love” as a “Strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties. Example: Maternal love for a child.”

It is our prayer that God will use these signs to prick the conscience of all the women going in there for an abortion. Join with us to pray that these signs will serve as a reminder to these women that to give their child LIFE is to show real LOVE.

Pastor/Leader Preview, March 29 at WAWC

Attention: all Pastors, Church leaders, Organization leaders, and Business leaders!

We need your leadership in helping shut down Alabama’s busiest abortion business.

Come find out how on March 29th through the Pastor/Leader Preview at West Alabama Women’s Center in Tuscaloosa.

Have further questions?
Contact: Jennifer at 205-902-1824; jennifer@lovelife.org
or Shaylene at 205-305-7628; shaylene@lovelife.org

P.S. Please share this email with your pastor, church leaders, and friends.

BREAKING NEWS: Scandal-ridden Alabama abortion mill dumped bloody instruments, human tissue at pro-lifers’ house

A bloody abortion cannula was improperly discarded by the West Alabama Women’s Center. It contains a bit of flesh, likely from an aborted baby.

(Operation Rescue) When Fr. Terry Gensemer and his wife returned to their Birmingham, Alabama, home one evening earlier this month, they discovered mysterious back trash bags left anonymously on their property.   Curious, they inspected the contents of the bags and were shocked by their grisly discovery.Inside were documents and bloody refuse from the West Alabama Women’s Center, (WAWC), an abortion facility in Tuscaloosa, Alabama.  Included were suction abortion cannulas that contained blood.  One had a bit of what appeared to be human tissue.

Documents included patient names, remittance receipts from credit cards used to pay for abortions, and ultrasound images of babies inside their mothers’ wombs with the name of the abortion facility clearly printed at the top.

The items represented obvious violations of state and federal laws, including the illegal dumping of infectious medical waste and privacy violations under HIPAA.

Life Legal Defense Foundation was notified and has filed complaints on behalf of Fr. Gensemer, Director of the pro-life organization CEC for Life, and several other pro-life groups and individuals, including Operation Rescue.

The complaints against the WAWC went to the following governmental officials and agencies:

  • Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall,
  • Alabama Lt. Governor Will Ainsworth,
  • Alabama Department of Environmental Management.

Click here to read letter to the Steve Marshall Attorney General of Alabama.

The West Alabama Women’s Center has been fraught with problems and tragedy since it was purchased by the Yellowhammer Foundation in the spring of 2020.  The same week the new management took over, April Lowery, died from internal injuries received during a botched abortion by Louis Payne.  Soon after, Payne was forced to surrender his medical license.

Sad discovery: This ultrasound image of a baby in the womb was one of many found in trash bags discarded by the West Alabama Women’s Center, It is likely the baby was aborted. This represents a violation of HIPAA privacy laws since the woman’s name was printed on the image. (Redacted by Operation Rescue.)

Seven months after Lowery’s death, another woman suffered similar life-threatening injuries during an abortion she barely survived. The woman, going under the pseudonym “Jane Stone,” sued the WAWC and abortionist Tamer Middleton for her life-altering injuries and for ignoring her pleas for an ambulance as her condition deteriorated.

The WAWC hired abortionist Leah Torres as the facility’s medical director soon after Stone’s botched abortion. But Torres’ temporary Alabama medical license was suspended by the Alabama Department of Public Health after it discovered she had committed fraud by repeatedly lying on her license application. Torres has since been granted a permanent medical license and has resumed abortions.

It was Torres that admitted to Department of Health inspectors last December that she was using rusty medical instruments and other unsanitary surgical supplies during abortions, and that clinic workers often did not change gloves or wash hands in accordance with CDC protocols. The WAWC was cited for nearly identical violations in 2020, as well.

BREAKING NEWS: Patient Info and Medical Waste from Tuscaloosa Abortion Clinic Ends Up in Birmingham

(CEC For Life) West Alabama’s Women’s Center in Tuscaloosa seems dedicated to endangering patients. 

Last week, a coalition of national pro-life organizations, including CEC For Life, Life Legal Defense Foundation and Operation Rescue, sent newfound evidence of shocking HIPAA and medical waste violations to state officials: Lt. Governor Ainsworth, Attorney General Marshall and the Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ADEM).

Fr. Terry Gensemer recently found large black garbage bags left anonymously in the driveway of his Birmingham residence. When opened, he found ghastly medical waste — surgical pads soiled in blood and fluids, tubes also containing fluids, and one tube that contained what appeared to be a small piece of human tissue. There was also paperwork which included patient names and private information, ultrasound photos, and the header “West Alabama Women’s Center.” 

Continue reading “BREAKING NEWS: Patient Info and Medical Waste from Tuscaloosa Abortion Clinic Ends Up in Birmingham”

BREAKING NEWS: HIPAA Violations and Another Dangerous Abortionist at West Alabama Women’s Center

(CEC For Life) Yet another alarming discovery was made last week regarding the West Alabama Women’s Center in Tuscaloosa — the highest performing abortion clinic in Alabama. 

Recently, Fr. Terry Gensemer and his wife Patti came home to find large black garbage bags left anonymously in their driveway.

When opened, their hearts broke. They found surgical pads soiled in blood and fluids, tubes also containing fluids, and one tube that contained what appeared to be a small piece of human tissue. There was also paperwork which included patient names and information, ultrasound photos, and the header “West Alabama Women’s Center.” It was clear that however this medical waste and information ended up in Birmingham, it originated from the West Alabama Women’s Center in Tuscaloosa and had not been properly discarded. Names and dates of birth, photos of patient’s children in the womb, and unsafe bodily fluids had been left somewhere that HIPAA laws clearly do not permit.

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BREAKING NEWS: Rogue Alabama Abortion Facility Has Been Cited Again for Using Rusty Surgical Instruments

This is the last known photo taken of April Lowery. It shows her leaving the West Alabama Women’s Center in Tuscaloosa after an abortion on May 7, 2020. Hours later, she would be dead from a perforated uterus and other internal injuries.

(Operation Rescue) For the second time in a row, an Alabama abortion facility that was responsible for the death of one woman and horrific injuries to another, has failed a licensing inspection that included citations for conducting abortions with rusty, unsanitary surgical equipment.

The West Alabama Women’s Center, located in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, was inspected by the Alabama Department of Public Health on December 14, 2021, during which it was cited for the following:

  • Failure to render patient care in accordance with all applicable laws.
  • Failure to discard rusty and damaged surgical instruments.
  • Failure to properly clean and sterilize surgical instruments.
  • Failure to properly test and maintain autoclaves where surgical instruments are sterilized.
  • Failure to follow CDC handwashing guidelines.

The six-page deficiency report was signed by the WAWC’s new Operations Director, Robin Marty, whose background is in communications and not in any area of medicine or medical facility oversight. 

Also referenced in the report was abortionist Leah Torres, who serves as the abortion facility’s medical director.  The ADPH suspended Torres’ temporary medical license in August 2020 for committing fraud by lying on her license application and was ordered to cease and desist the practice of medicine.  Torres was finally issued a permanent Alabama medical license on March 24, 2021, after which she resumed her position as medical director, which includes conducting abortions.

Page six of the 2021 deficiency report notes that Torres was interviewed by the health inspector and confirmed the conditions for which the facility was cited and agreed they should be corrected.  However, this shows that Torres had to know that she was using rusty, unsanitary instruments on women during abortions – and probably had been for months.

“It is sickening to learn that the West Alabama Women’s Center, which has been fraught with serious health and safety issues in the past several months, would intentionally continue to engage in practices we might have expected to find in a back-alley abortion mill.  These people are either incapable of complying with basic health rules due to incompetence or they just don’t care if they comply.  That attitude puts women at risk of harm from their shoddy practices every day they are open.”

Continue reading “BREAKING NEWS: Rogue Alabama Abortion Facility Has Been Cited Again for Using Rusty Surgical Instruments”